Thursday 26 March 2015

Gospel Musician Paa Boateng Arrested

Popular Ghanaian gospel musician Paa Boateng has been arrested in Kumasi over Gh1500 he owned his business partner Bright Davies. The gospel musician reported himself at the police station around 1:30 pm Tuesday afternoon after he was informed that Police came after him early Tuesday morning. Bight Davies, the business man who has caused the arrest of the ace gospel musician says the gospel musician has been deceiving him months now proving that he is not going to pay the Gh1500 he owes him.According to him, the law can solve the issue so he thought it wise to resort to Ghana Police to be able to get his money. On how Paa Boateng got hold of his money, Bright explained that they were business partners but Paa Boateng decided to pay him off so that he takes charge of the entire business but he paid only half of the cash. Bright continued that Paa Baoteng has been reluctant in paying the other half of the cash which has made him cause his arrest.

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